Black River Area Foster Closet

Our mission is to provide a FREE resource to help support caregivers of children in foster care settings by providing basic supplies and clothing for the children being cared for.


“Devote yourself to your community around you and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.”

— Mitch Albom

A FREE resource for foster parents.

When you say “yes” to becoming a foster/respite/kinship caregiver, you are opening your home to a child who needs your love and support. Among all the challenges that may arise when a foster child is placed into your home, we want getting clothing and items needed for that child to be safe, easy and quick.



Item Request

The foster closet is a benefit for families to use when caring for a foster child. Multiple requests can be submitted during an active placement. The goal of the closet is to help support & fill the gaps when children need new sizes of clothing, seasonal or special occasion clothing, baby gear, diapers, personal hygiene items, shoes and more.

Completed forms come directly to the Foster Closet inbox.

If you are a licensed foster parent or social services appointed kinship provider, use the link below to quickly request items. If you know of a foster family in the area that could benefit from this resource please share this link with them.

Sport Fee Reimbursement

The Black River Area Foster Closet is now offering financial assistance for children in foster or kinship care to participate in sporting activities!

Examples include: baseball, dance, swim lessons, ice skating, piano, taekwondo, golf lessons

If your child is interested in participating, we encourage you to apply! We would love to cover as many fees as possible! Limited funding available.

*Must provide a receipt/documentation of payment. Reimbursement up to $50/activity.

Haircut Voucher

The Foster Closet is now offering FREE haircuts for foster children!

Black River Area foster closet has partnered with Studio 107 of Black River Falls to be a location accepting FREE haircut vouchers for children in foster care!

Haircuts are an added expense for families and sometimes a neglected need of the child. The foster closet wants to help support all children to have the opportunity to receive a fresh haircut.

Families are offered up to 2 haircuts per foster child per year.

Foster parents will need to submit a request form online to receive a haircut voucher via mail or email. Voucher must be presented at checkout and is valued at $20 towards payment. No cash change will be given. Vouchers are not to be copied or reused.